
Thoughts and insights


Welcome to the brand-new Mesa Palms Seventh-day Adventist Church website! Because this is a new site, this feature is also new, not only to you readers, but also to me. As I pondered what to write about in my very first ever blog, I drew a blank. Then, I thought, well, maybe I’ll just do a brief introduction and tell you just a tiny bit about myself.

I was born in North Carolina and raised in southern Oregon. I am married, have four grown kids, twelve grandkids, and sixteen great-grandkids. That’s a pretty big tribe for an only child! I’ve also lived in northern California and in central and eastern Washington. We’ve lived in Arizona for six years and so far, feel that the heat of the summer beats the cold, snow, and icy roads of the northland. I am looking forward to heaven and the New Earth where the climate will be perfect year-round.

I enjoy working in the church office three days a week—Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. A meaningful Bible verse to me is “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked” (Ps. 84:10, NIV).

Until next time, Maranatha—Jesus is coming!